Desired inputs are the following inputs for each peak found. There can be up to 3 peaks. The most significant peak must be selected as the major peak.
Variable | Description | Range Possible Values |
Units | Calculation |
DLSP | Percent polydispersity. | [0 - 100] | % | From histogram, for major peak. |
DLSI | Percent intensity | [0 - 100] | % | For major peak, Pm among n peaks & m ≤ n : Pm / ( Pm + Pm + 1 ... Pn ) |
DLSMW | Molecular Weight as calculated from the RH | >0 | kilodalton (kDa) | |
DLSMR | Molecular Ratio | >0 | of DLSMW / (calculated molecular weight of monomer) | |
RH | Hydrodynamic radius. | > 0 | nanometer (nm) |
The site is configured to accept certain machine outputs to alleviate data entry tasks. One example is the DYNAMICS specific file format. The following is a sample of the DYNAMICS experiment ouput in image and text form.
Results Summary: D (E-9cm^2/s) R (nm) MW (kDa) Polyd (nm) %Polyd Polyd Index Cumu Monomodal 179.9 5.755 203.5 4.674 81.1 0.67 Cumu Bimodal 1 300.0 3.492 64.30 Cumu Bimodal 2 64.07 17.42 3037. Regu I Peak 1 6511. 0.1583 0.04512 0.0000 0.0 0.00 Regu I Peak 2 290.5 3.859 79.31 1.143 29.6 0.09 Regu I Peak 3 31.63 38.12 1.685e+004 15.64 41.0 0.17 Regu M Peak 1 6511. 0.1583 0.04512 0.0000 0.0 0.00 Regu M Peak 2 356.8 3.065 46.29 0.8176 26.7 0.07 Regu M Peak 3 43.96 25.45 6547. 8.670 34.1 0.12
------------------------ Regularization Results: Delay Time (s) D (E-9cm^2/s) R (nm) %Intensity %Mass 7.31e-006 6511. 0.1583 2.07 99.7 9.69e-006 4914. 0.2098 0.000 0.000 9.20e-005 517.2 1.993 1.48 0.0356 0.000122 390.3 2.641 17.2 0.178 0.000162 294.6 3.500 21.9 0.0974 0.000214 222.3 4.637 16.9 0.0324 0.000284 167.8 6.145 8.01 0.00659 0.000376 126.6 8.142 0.000 0.000 0.000874 54.43 18.94 4.19 0.000118 0.00116 41.08 25.10 6.94 8.38e-005 0.00154 31.00 33.25 7.88 4.09e-005 0.00203 23.40 44.06 6.92 1.54e-005 0.00270 17.66 58.38 4.66 4.47e-006 0.00357 13.33 77.36 1.87 7.73e-007 0.00473 10.06 102.5 0.000 0.000