MAD phasing - part 4

Locating the anomalous scatterers

OK, you've collected your MAD data and run it through a phasing program that has produced initial estimates for the three quantities FT, FA, and DeltaPhi. How do you get from there to a phase estimate for the protein, PhiT?

Patterson maps

Since PhiT = PhiA + DeltaPhi, if you had a value for PhiA then you'd be all set. To get this you need to locate the anomalous scattering atoms in the unit cell, so that you can calculate the phase PhiA of their contribution to the total scattering. The simplest way to do this is through Patterson analysis; it amounts to solving an n atom structure, where n is the number of anomalous scattering atoms.

There are many possible Patterson maps you might calculate using the data you've collected. Of these, the most familiar may be the Bijvoet Difference Patterson , calculated with coefficients DeltaF**2. To increase the signal-to-noise ratio in your map you would logically choose DeltaF values from whichever of your wavelengths has the largest expected difference in F+ and F-, i.e. the one with the largest f''. Here is a Harker section from such a map calculated using the anomalous signal from a single Cu atom in the 96 residue metalloprotein CBP [Guss, et al. 1989]:

u = 1/2 Harker Section
Coefficients DeltaF**2 from lambda peak
lambda = 1.3771Å f'' = 4.17e

As you can see, it's rather noisy. That's because even at the optimal wavelength the maximal value of f'' is only 4.2e. You can do much better than that, however. Rather than calculating any map which uses only a subset of the data collected, you can instead use your newly estimated value for |FA| to calculated a Patterson map with coefficients |FA|**2. Because all of the data you collected contributes simultaneously to this map, it will be less noisy than a map calculated using only a subset of the data:

u = 1/2 Harker Section
Coefficients |FA|**2
from four wavelengths

Locating large numbers of anomalous scatterers

If there are many anomalous scattering atoms in your structure then it may be difficult to interpret the resulting Patterson maps. 20 anomalous scattering atoms is about the upper limit.

The most successful approach developed to date for locating larger numbers of anomalous scattering atoms is the 'dual space' method implemented in the programs shake-n-bake (Smith et al, 1998) and shelxd (Sheldrick, 1998; shelx home page). These programs alternate cycles of work in real space (Patterson interpretation and placement of trial atomic positions) and work in reciprocal space (tangent refinement). Both programs have been used successfully to locate more than 50 Se sites in a SeMet substituted protein.

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Ethan A Merritt ©1995-2001/ / Biomolecular Structure Center at UW