MAD phasing - part 5

Bayesian estimates of |FA|

One problem with the estimates for |FA| which come directly from the Karle/ Hendrickson equations is that the values are not always reasonable; e.g. sometimes the estimate for |FA| is greater than the total scattering power of the atoms involved. Terwilliger (1994) suggests correcting this by using a Bayesian estimate for |FA| predicated on the prior expected distribution of values:
P(FA) is proportional to exp(-FA**2 / Sigma **2), where Sigma **2 is the expected mean square value of FA within a given resolution shell, given whatever we know about B values, scattering factors, etc.

Furthermore we can also use prior knowledge about the likely errors in our data to condition the probability of the observed quantities F-bar = 1/2(|F+| + |F-|) and DeltaF = (|F+| - |F-|).


sigma represents experimental uncertainty
E represents additional uncertainty
epsilon represents the difference between observed and calculated values of F-bar and DeltaF

After a bit more of this sort of analysis we arrive at the Bayesian estimate for any quantity <x> that depends on FA, FT, and DeltaPhi:

The integration should properly run over all three variables FA, FT, DeltaPhi, but Terwilliger suggests taking FT as being purely defined by its most probable value in order to save computational time.

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Ethan A Merritt ©1995-2001/ / Biomolecular Structure Center at UW