One problem with the estimates for |FA| which come directly from the
Karle/ Hendrickson equations is that the values are not always
reasonable; e.g. sometimes the estimate for |FA| is greater than the
total scattering power of the atoms involved.
Terwilliger (1994)
suggests correcting this by using a Bayesian estimate for |FA|
predicated on the prior expected distribution of values:
exp(-FA /
is the expected mean square value of FA within a given
resolution shell, given whatever we know about B values, scattering factors,
Furthermore we can also use prior knowledge about the likely errors in our data to condition the probability of the observed quantities = 1/2(|F+| + |F-|) and F = (|F+| - |F-|).
After a bit more of this sort of analysis we arrive at the Bayesian estimate for any quantity <x> that depends on FA, FT, and :
The integration should properly run over all three variables FA, FT, , but Terwilliger suggests taking FT as being purely defined by its most probable value in order to save computational time.