26 Mar 2010JobID: TLSMD7769_QGwZqBPaTLSMD Version 1.4.1

1BNC: Chain B Partitioned by 10 TLS Groups

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Analysis of TLS Group 10 Chain Segments (overall rmsd_b=17.88 and residual=21.74)
Input StructureTLS Predictions
ColorSegmentResiduesAtoms<B>Brmsd<Aniso>RMSD BTr Beval(L) DEG2<B><Aniso>
blue1-6648 52.929.181.0024.99-27.9117.91, 0.00, 10.81 52.90.70
green7-8882605 37.620.551.0016.64 17.213.56, 5.65, 3.44 37.60.69
magenta89-1001295 57.927.741.0019.64 40.1125.68, 0.00, 0.00 57.90.73
red101-12323168 49.124.511.0018.52 36.3 0.00, 57.15, 0.00 49.10.70
cyan124-20356393 71.626.601.0020.20 11.618.08, 3.10, 0.00 71.60.74
yellow204-311108864 37.922.401.0017.42 17.4 0.00, 8.60, 9.97 37.90.67
violet312-33120159 48.926.871.0020.42 32.338.26, 0.00, 3.09 48.90.64
purpleblue332-40271557 34.620.511.0016.47 18.2 0.00, 5.18, 12.83 34.60.67
salmon403-42927216 39.323.891.0017.99 7.229.18, 5.19, 0.00 39.30.66
lime430-44819156 57.230.801.0021.97 19.6 0.00, 37.28, 18.67 57.20.62

Mean BFactor Analysis

Comparison of TLS predicted B factors with experimental (input) B factors.

RMSD B Values of Combined TLS Groups
1-6 23.86 17.92 24.33 20.74 21.75 18.37 21.89 17.95 20.72 24.31
7-88 17.92 16.64 18.08 18.11 18.99 17.90 18.40 17.22 18.11 18.70
89-100 24.33 18.08 18.28 20.59 21.58 18.62 22.04 18.38 20.95 23.52
101-123 20.74 18.11 20.59 18.40 20.98 18.22 20.75 18.18 19.45 21.70
124-203 21.75 18.99 21.58 20.98 20.16 18.99 21.67 18.60 20.27 21.56
204-311 18.37 17.90 18.62 18.22 18.99 17.38 18.42 18.07 18.19 18.57
312-331 21.89 18.40 22.04 20.75 21.67 18.42 19.28 18.83 19.89 22.16
332-402 17.95 17.22 18.38 18.18 18.60 18.07 18.83 16.35 17.26 18.56
403-429 20.72 18.11 20.95 19.45 20.27 18.19 19.89 17.26 16.18 20.52
430-448 24.31 18.70 23.52 21.70 21.56 18.57 22.16 18.56 20.52 21.44

The TLSMD optimization algorithm models TLS groups as sequential segments of a protein or DNA/RNA chain. This matrix shows the RMSD B values of the individual groups on the diagonal, and the RMSD B values of combined groups as off-diagonal elements. This helps identify non-contiguous protein segments which may be combined into a single TLS group.

Translation Analysis of Tr

This graph shows the TLS group translational displacement magnitude of the three principal components of the reduced T tensor at a isoprobability magnitude of 85%. The line colors are the same as those used for the TLS groups in the various structure visualizations.

Screw Displacement Analysis

This graph shows the displacement of main chain atoms implied by the three screw axes of the TLS group to which they belong. The screw displacement axes are calculated in terms of a Gaussian variance-covariance tensor, and displacement magnitude is shown at a 85% isoprobability magnitude like the translational displacement. Protein segments undergoing hinge-like motion show up as peaks in this graph.

Deviation of Observed CA Atom B-Factors From TLS Model

This graph assesses the quality of the TLS prediction for each residue by graphing the difference between the refined (input) main chain atom B factors and the corresponding B factors implied by the TLS model alone. If the TLS model were a perfect description of the observed thermal motion described by the input structural model, this plot would consist of a line at 0.

RMSD Deviation of Observed vs. TLS Predicted B Factors

This plot is similar to the plot above, except that instead of plotting (Bpred - Bobs) for the CA atom only, the colored line plots the RMSD of |Bpred-Bobs| for all atoms in the residue. If the TLSMD model were a perfect description of the input B values, then the colored line would be a horizontal line at 0.

Distribution Histogram of TLS Group 1-6

Distribution Histogram of TLS Group 7-88

Distribution Histogram of TLS Group 89-100

Distribution Histogram of TLS Group 101-123

Distribution Histogram of TLS Group 124-203

Distribution Histogram of TLS Group 204-311

Distribution Histogram of TLS Group 312-331

Distribution Histogram of TLS Group 332-402

Distribution Histogram of TLS Group 403-429

Distribution Histogram of TLS Group 430-448
26 Mar 2010JobID: TLSMD7769_QGwZqBPaTLSMD Version 1.4.1 Released 11 February 2010