# set terminal canvas rounded size 600,400 enhanced fsize 10 lw 1.6 fontscale 1 name "stats_2" jsdir "." # set output 'stats.2.js' set key fixed left top vertical Left noreverse enhanced autotitle nobox set label 1 "min" at 2.07944, graph 0.1, 0 center norotate back nopoint offset character 0, -1, 0 set label 2 "max" at 2.30259, graph 0.9, 0 center norotate back nopoint offset character 0, 1, 0 set arrow 1 from 2.07944, graph 0.1, 0 to 2.07944, 2.20087, 0.00000 head back filled linewidth 1.000 dashtype solid set arrow 2 from 2.30259, graph 0.9, 0 to 2.30259, 3.13972, 0.00000 head back filled linewidth 1.000 dashtype solid set offsets 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5 set style data lines set title "Use of stats command to find min/max/mean before plotting\nTwo data columns" set autoscale rfixmin set autoscale rfixmax set autoscale tfixmin set autoscale tfixmax set autoscale ufixmin set autoscale ufixmax set autoscale vfixmin set autoscale vfixmax set autoscale xfixmin set autoscale xfixmax set autoscale x2fixmin set autoscale x2fixmax set autoscale yfixmin set autoscale yfixmax set autoscale y2fixmin set autoscale y2fixmax set autoscale zfixmin set autoscale zfixmax set autoscale cbfixmin set autoscale cbfixmax f(x) = log(1+x) A_records = 20 A_invalid = 0 A_headers = 0 A_blank = 1 A_blocks = 1 A_outofrange = 0 A_columns = 11 A_mean = 2.54077965 A_stddev = 0.222745079388137 A_ssd = 0.228531629485718 A_skewness = 0.978323019217487 A_kurtosis = 3.60561959806089 A_adev = 0.178523515 A_mean_err = 0.0498073139165462 A_stddev_err = 0.0352190894230769 A_skewness_err = 0.547722557505166 A_kurtosis_err = 1.09544511501033 A_sum = 50.815593 A_sumsq = 130.103532004915 A_min = 2.20087 A_max = 3.139718 A_median = 2.4609945 A_lo_quartile = 2.3865975 A_up_quartile = 2.6562155 A_index_min = 7 A_index_max = 9 x = 0.0 GPFUN_f = "f(x) = log(1+x)" B_records = 20 B_invalid = 0 B_headers = 0 B_blank = 1 B_blocks = 1 B_outofrange = 0 B_columns = 11 B_mean_x = 2.11678082303767 B_stddev_x = 0.792134394132666 B_ssd_x = 0.812712740322205 B_skewness_x = -1.11744391283858 B_kurtosis_x = 3.52503054370255 B_adev_x = 0.632964368155614 B_mean_err_x = 0.177126635259625 B_stddev_err_x = 0.125247444920837 B_skewness_err_x = 0.547722557505166 B_kurtosis_err_x = 1.09544511501033 B_sum_x = 42.3356164607535 B_sumsq_x = 102.16475902296 B_min_x = 0.0 B_max_x = 2.99573227355399 B_median_x = 2.35024018289621 B_lo_quartile_x = 1.70059869083108 B_up_quartile_x = 2.740319461671 B_index_min_x = 0 B_index_max_x = 19 B_mean_y = 2.54077965 B_stddev_y = 0.222745079388137 B_ssd_y = 0.228531629485718 B_skewness_y = 0.978323019217487 B_kurtosis_y = 3.60561959806089 B_adev_y = 0.178523515 B_mean_err_y = 0.0498073139165462 B_stddev_err_y = 0.0352190894230769 B_skewness_err_y = 0.547722557505166 B_kurtosis_err_y = 1.09544511501033 B_sum_y = 50.815593 B_sumsq_y = 130.103532004915 B_min_y = 2.20087 B_max_y = 3.139718 B_median_y = 2.4609945 B_lo_quartile_y = 2.3865975 B_up_quartile_y = 2.6562155 B_index_min_y = 7 B_index_max_y = 9 B_slope = -0.066943671163917 B_intercept = 2.68248472934352 B_slope_err = 0.0643729477667789 B_intercept_err = 0.145491947243556 B_correlation = -0.238067590736956 B_sumxy = 106.725360630742 B_pos_min_y = 2.07944154167984 B_pos_max_y = 2.30258509299405 ## Last datafile plotted: "orbital_elements.dat" plot 'orbital_elements.dat' index 1 using (f($0)):2 title " Data" lw 2, B_mean_y title " Mean", B_slope * x + B_intercept title "Linear fit"