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gnuplot demo script: rgba_lines.dem

autogenerated by on Wed Dec 7 16:55:22 2016
gnuplot version gnuplot 5.1 patchlevel 0
Your browser does not support the HTML 5 canvas element
          # unzoom rezoom zoom text ?
# Demonstrate use of RGBA (Alpha channel + RGB) colors for lines and filled areas.
# Color is represented by 32 bits AARRGGBB  (i.e. Alpha is in the high bits)
# Alpha = 0 is opaque;  Alpha = 255 is transparent
# This is BACKWARDS from the convention used by 'set style fill TRANSPARENT SOLID'
# It is also BACKWARDS from the convention used by 'with rgbalpha'
set angle degrees
set style arrow 1 size screen 0.03,15,90 filled

if (GPVAL_TERM eq "png") LW = 1; else LW = 3

do for [i = 5 : 360 : 5] {
    set arrow i from 0,0 length 1.0 angle i filled
    color = (int(255.*i/360.) << 24) + 0xFF0000
#   print sprintf("%x",color)
    set arrow i as 1 lw LW lc rgb color
set obj  1 rect from -.5,-.5 to -.3,0   fs solid fc rgb "#00bbbbbb" front
set obj  2 rect from -.3,-.3 to -.1,0.2 fs solid fc rgb "#55bbbbbb" front
set obj  3 rect from -.1,-.1 to  .3,0.3 fs solid fc rgb "#aabbbbbb" front
set obj  4 rect from  .3,-.4 to  .4,0.4 fs solid fc rgb "#22bbbbbb" back
set obj 10 circle at 0.15, -0.15 radius 0.5 fs solid fc  rgb "cyan" behind

unset border
unset xtics
unset ytics
set xrange [-1:1]
set yrange [-1:1]
set size square

plot 0 notitle

Click here for minimal script to generate this plot