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gnuplot demo script: prob2.dem

autogenerated by on Wed Dec 7 16:55:11 2016
gnuplot version gnuplot 5.1 patchlevel 0
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# $Id: prob2.dem,v 1.10 2009/05/31 05:54:41 sfeam Exp $
# Demo Statistical Approximations version 1.1
# Copyright (c) 1991, Jos van der Woude,

# History:
#    -- --- 1991 Jos van der Woude:  1st version
#    06 Jun 2006 Dan Sebald:  Added plot methods for better visual effect.

print ""
print ""
print ""
print ""
print ""
print ""
print "                        Statistical Approximations, version 1.1"
print ""
print "        Copyright (c) 1991, 1992, Jos van de Woude,"
print ""
print ""
print ""
print ""
print ""
print ""
print ""
print ""
print ""
print ""
print ""
print "     NOTE: contains 10 plots and consequently takes some time to run"
print "                      Press Ctrl-C to exit right now"
print ""

load ""
rnd(x) = floor(x+0.5)
r_xmin = -1
r_sigma = 4.0

# Binomial PDF using normal approximation
n = 25; p = 0.15
mu = n * p
sigma = sqrt(n * p * (1.0 - p))
xmin = floor(mu - r_sigma * sigma)
xmin = xmin < r_xmin ? r_xmin : xmin
xmax = ceil(mu + r_sigma * sigma)
ymax = 1.1 * binom(floor((n+1)*p), n, p) #mode of binomial PDF used
set key box
unset zeroaxis
set xrange [xmin - 1 : xmax + 1]
set yrange [0 : ymax]
set xlabel "k, x ->"
set ylabel "probability density ->"
set ytics 0, ymax / 10.0, ymax
set format x "%2.0f"
set format y "%3.2f"
set sample 200
set title "binomial PDF using normal approximation"
set arrow from mu, 0 to mu, normal(mu, mu, sigma) nohead
set arrow from mu, normal(mu + sigma, mu, sigma) \
          to mu + sigma, normal(mu + sigma, mu, sigma) nohead
set label "mu" at mu + 0.5, ymax / 10
set label "sigma" at mu + 0.5 + sigma, normal(mu + sigma, mu, sigma)
plot binom(rnd(x), n, p) with histeps, normal(x, mu, sigma)

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unset arrow
unset label

# Binomial PDF using poisson approximation
n = 50; p = 0.1
mu = n * p
sigma = sqrt(mu)
xmin = floor(mu - r_sigma * sigma)
xmin = xmin < r_xmin ? r_xmin : xmin
xmax = ceil(mu + r_sigma * sigma)
ymax = 1.1 * binom(floor((n+1)*p), n, p) #mode of binomial PDF used
set key box
unset zeroaxis
set xrange [xmin - 1 : xmax + 1]
set yrange [0 : ymax]
set xlabel "k ->"
set ylabel "probability density ->"
set ytics 0, ymax / 10.0, ymax
set format x "%2.0f"
set format y "%3.2f"
set sample (xmax - xmin + 3)
set title "binomial PDF using poisson approximation"
set arrow from mu, 0 to mu, normal(mu, mu, sigma) nohead
set arrow from mu, normal(mu + sigma, mu, sigma) \
          to mu + sigma, normal(mu + sigma, mu, sigma) nohead
set label "mu" at mu + 0.5, ymax / 10
set label "sigma" at mu + 0.5 + sigma, normal(mu + sigma, mu, sigma)
plot binom(x, n, p) with histeps, poisson(x, mu) with histeps

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unset arrow
unset label

# Geometric PDF using gamma approximation
p = 0.3
mu = (1.0 - p) / p
sigma = sqrt(mu / p)
lambda = p
rho = 1.0 - p
xmin = floor(mu - r_sigma * sigma)
xmin = xmin < r_xmin ? r_xmin : xmin
xmax = ceil(mu + r_sigma * sigma)
ymax = 1.1 * p
set key box
unset zeroaxis
set xrange [xmin - 1 : xmax + 1]
set yrange [0 : ymax]
set xlabel "k, x ->"
set ylabel "probability density ->"
set ytics 0, ymax / 10.0, ymax
set format x "%2.0f"
set format y "%3.2f"
set sample 200
set title "geometric PDF using gamma approximation"
set arrow from mu, 0 to mu, gmm(mu, rho, lambda) nohead
set arrow from mu, gmm(mu + sigma, rho, lambda) \
          to mu + sigma, gmm(mu + sigma, rho, lambda) nohead
set label "mu" at mu + 0.5, ymax / 10
set label "sigma" at mu + 0.5 + sigma, gmm(mu + sigma, rho, lambda)
plot geometric(rnd(x),p) with histeps, gmm(x, rho, lambda)

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unset arrow
unset label

# Geometric PDF using normal approximation
p = 0.3
mu = (1.0 - p) / p
sigma = sqrt(mu / p)
xmin = floor(mu - r_sigma * sigma)
xmin = xmin < r_xmin ? r_xmin : xmin
xmax = ceil(mu + r_sigma * sigma)
ymax = 1.1 * p
set key box
unset zeroaxis
set xrange [xmin - 1 : xmax + 1]
set yrange [0 : ymax]
set xlabel "k, x ->"
set ylabel "probability density ->"
set ytics 0, ymax / 10.0, ymax
set format x "%2.0f"
set format y "%3.2f"
set sample 200
set title "geometric PDF using normal approximation"
set arrow from mu, 0 to mu, normal(mu, mu, sigma) nohead
set arrow from mu, normal(mu + sigma, mu, sigma) \
          to mu + sigma, normal(mu + sigma, mu, sigma) nohead
set label "mu" at mu + 0.5, ymax / 10
set label "sigma" at mu + 0.5 + sigma, normal(mu + sigma, mu, sigma)
plot geometric(rnd(x),p) with histeps, normal(x, mu, sigma)

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unset label

# Hypergeometric PDF using binomial approximation
nn = 75; mm = 25; n = 10
p = real(mm) / nn
mu = n * p
sigma = sqrt(real(nn - n) / (nn - 1.0) * n * p * (1.0 - p))
xmin = floor(mu - r_sigma * sigma)
xmin = xmin < r_xmin ? r_xmin : xmin
xmax = ceil(mu + r_sigma * sigma)
ymax = 1.1 * hypgeo(floor(mu), nn, mm, n) #mode of binom PDF used
set key box
unset zeroaxis
set xrange [xmin - 1 : xmax + 1]
set yrange [0 : ymax]
set xlabel "k ->"
set ylabel "probability density ->"
set ytics 0, ymax / 10.0, ymax
set format x "%2.0f"
set format y "%3.2f"
set sample (xmax - xmin + 3)
set title "hypergeometric PDF using binomial approximation"
set arrow from mu, 0 to mu, binom(floor(mu), n, p) nohead
set arrow from mu, binom(floor(mu + sigma), n, p) \
          to mu + sigma, binom(floor(mu + sigma), n, p) nohead
set label "mu" at mu + 0.5, ymax / 10
set label "sigma" at mu + 0.5 + sigma, binom(floor(mu + sigma), n, p)
plot hypgeo(x, nn, mm, n) with histeps, binom(x, n, p) with histeps

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unset arrow
unset label

# Hypergeometric PDF using normal approximation
nn = 75; mm = 25; n = 10
p = real(mm) / nn
mu = n * p
sigma = sqrt(real(nn - n) / (nn - 1.0) * n * p * (1.0 - p))
xmin = floor(mu - r_sigma * sigma)
xmin = xmin < r_xmin ? r_xmin : xmin
xmax = ceil(mu + r_sigma * sigma)
ymax = 1.1 * hypgeo(floor(mu), nn, mm, n) #mode of binom PDF used
set key box
unset zeroaxis
set xrange [xmin - 1 : xmax + 1]
set yrange [0 : ymax]
set xlabel "k, x ->"
set ylabel "probability density ->"
set ytics 0, ymax / 10.0, ymax
set format x "%2.0f"
set format y "%3.2f"
set sample 200
set title "hypergeometric PDF using normal approximation"
set arrow from mu, 0 to mu, normal(mu, mu, sigma) nohead
set arrow from mu, normal(mu + sigma, mu, sigma) \
          to mu + sigma, normal(mu + sigma, mu, sigma) nohead
set label "mu" at mu + 0.5, ymax / 10
set label "sigma" at mu + 0.5 + sigma, normal(mu + sigma, mu, sigma)
plot hypgeo(rnd(x), nn, mm, n) with histeps, normal(x, mu, sigma)

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# Negative binomial PDF using gamma approximation
r = 8; p = 0.6
mu = r * (1.0 - p) / p
sigma = sqrt(mu / p)
lambda = p
rho = r * (1.0 - p)
xmin = floor(mu - r_sigma * sigma)
xmin = xmin < r_xmin ? r_xmin : xmin
xmax = ceil(mu + r_sigma * sigma)
ymax = 1.1 * gmm((rho - 1) / lambda, rho, lambda) #mode of gamma PDF used
set key box
unset zeroaxis
set xrange [xmin - 1 : xmax + 1]
set yrange [0 : ymax]
set xlabel "k, x ->"
set ylabel "probability density ->"
set ytics 0, ymax / 10.0, ymax
set format x "%2.0f"
set format y "%3.2f"
set sample 200
set title "negative binomial PDF using gamma approximation"
set arrow from mu, 0 to mu, gmm(mu, rho, lambda) nohead
set arrow from mu, gmm(mu + sigma, rho, lambda) \
          to mu + sigma, gmm(mu + sigma, rho, lambda) nohead
set label "mu" at mu + 0.5, ymax / 10
set label "sigma" at mu + 0.5 + sigma, gmm(mu + sigma, rho, lambda)
plot negbin(rnd(x), r, p) with histeps, gmm(x, rho, lambda)

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unset arrow
unset label

# Negative binomial PDF using normal approximation
r = 8; p = 0.4
mu = r * (1.0 - p) / p
sigma = sqrt(mu / p)
xmin = floor(mu - r_sigma * sigma)
xmin = xmin < r_xmin ? r_xmin : xmin
xmax = ceil(mu + r_sigma * sigma)
ymax = 1.1 * negbin(floor((r-1)*(1-p)/p), r, p) #mode of gamma PDF used
set key box
unset zeroaxis
set xrange [xmin - 1 : xmax + 1]
set yrange [0 : ymax]
set xlabel "k, x ->"
set ylabel "probability density ->"
set ytics 0, ymax / 10.0, ymax
set format x "%2.0f"
set format y "%3.2f"
set sample 200
set title "negative binomial PDF using normal approximation"
set arrow from mu, 0 to mu, normal(mu, mu, sigma) nohead
set arrow from mu, normal(mu + sigma, mu, sigma) \
          to mu + sigma, normal(mu + sigma, mu, sigma) nohead
set label "mu" at mu + 0.5, ymax / 10
set label "sigma" at mu + 0.5 + sigma, normal(mu + sigma, mu, sigma)
plot negbin(rnd(x), r, p) with histeps, normal(x, mu, sigma)

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# Normal PDF using logistic approximation
mu = 1.0; sigma = 1.5
a = mu
lambda = pi / (sqrt(3.0) * sigma)
xmin = mu - r_sigma * sigma
xmax = mu + r_sigma * sigma
ymax = 1.1 * logistic(mu, a, lambda) #mode of logistic PDF used
set key box
unset zeroaxis
set xrange [xmin: xmax]
set yrange [0 : ymax]
set xlabel "x ->"
set ylabel "probability density ->"
set ytics 0, ymax / 10.0, ymax
set format x "%.1f"
set format y "%.2f"
set sample 200
set title "normal PDF using logistic approximation"
set arrow from mu,0 to mu, normal(mu, mu, sigma) nohead
set arrow from mu, normal(mu + sigma, mu, sigma) \
          to mu + sigma, normal(mu + sigma, mu, sigma) nohead
set label "mu" at mu + 0.5, ymax / 10
set label "sigma" at mu + 0.5 + sigma, normal(mu + sigma, mu, sigma)
plot logistic(x, a, lambda), normal(x, mu, sigma)

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unset label

# Poisson PDF using normal approximation
mu = 5.0
sigma = sqrt(mu)
xmin = floor(mu - r_sigma * sigma)
xmin = xmin < r_xmin ? r_xmin : xmin
xmax = ceil(mu + r_sigma * sigma)
ymax = 1.1 * poisson(mu, mu) #mode of poisson PDF used
set key box
unset zeroaxis
set xrange [xmin - 1 : xmax + 1]
set yrange [0 : ymax]
set xlabel "k, x ->"
set ylabel "probability density ->"
set ytics 0, ymax / 10.0, ymax
set format x "%2.0f"
set format y "%3.2f"
set sample 200
set title "poisson PDF using normal approximation"
set arrow from mu, 0 to mu, normal(mu, mu, sigma) nohead
set arrow from mu, normal(mu + sigma, mu, sigma) \
          to mu + sigma, normal(mu + sigma, mu, sigma) nohead
set label "mu" at mu + 0.5, ymax / 10
set label "sigma" at mu + 0.5 + sigma, normal(mu + sigma, mu, sigma)
plot poisson(rnd(x), mu) with histeps, normal(x, mu, sigma)

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