# set terminal canvas rounded size 600,400 enhanced fsize 10 lw 1.6 fontscale 1 name "hypertext_1" jsdir "." # set output 'hypertext.1.js' unset border unset key set datafile separator " " set size ratio 1 1,1 set style data lines unset xtics unset ytics set title "Hypertext is shown when the mouse is over a point" Scale(size) = 0.08*sqrt(sqrt(column(size))) City(String,Size) = sprintf("%s\npop: %d", stringcolumn(String), column(Size)) GPFUN_Scale = "Scale(size) = 0.08*sqrt(sqrt(column(size)))" GPFUN_City = "City(String,Size) = sprintf(\"%s\\npop: %d\", stringcolumn(String), column(Size))" save_encoding = "utf8" x = 0.0 ## Last datafile plotted: "cities.dat" plot 'cities.dat' using 5:4:(City(1,3)):(Scale(3)) with labels hypertext point pt 7 ps var lc rgb "#ffee99", 'cities.dat' using 5:4:(Scale(3)) with points pt 6 ps var lc rgb "black" lw 0.1