Interactive Tutorial about Diffraction
Interactive example : 1D crystal builder

Basic examples
Single atom
Pair of atoms
Row of atoms

Interactive examples
1D crystal builder
Polygons of atoms
Different atoms
Ewald sphere


This interactive 1D crystal builder allows you to create a row of n electrons or Si and Pb atoms parallel to the x-axis. The separation distance is given in Å. You can also select whether to calculate X-ray of neutron intensities. The calculated range for the scattering intensity Q is fixed to -3*pi to 3*pi parallel to the direction of the row of atoms.

Start exploring and try to answer the questions below:

  • What is the effect on the scattering intensity as you increase the number of atoms ?

  • How does changing the distance between the atoms change the diffraction pattern ?

  • What is the influence of the electron/atom type on the X-ray scattering intensities ?

  • Describe the difference between X-ray and neutron scattering results.

Once you are done, click here to verify your answers.
© Th. Proffen and R.B. Neder, 2003