The rest of this information is therefore now obsolete, at least with regard to Molscript. It may, however, be useful as an example of how to mix PostScript and Raster3D processing. Generally this requires more effort than the result is worth. I recommend simply labelling your Raster3D output image using an interactive annotation tool on a workstation screen (e.g. the annotate mode of ImageMagick's display program). However, for anyone bound and determined to use Molscript for labelling I will describe how it can be done.
My new picture with no anti-aliasing 45 30 NTX,NTY number of tiles in x, y 20 20 NPX,NPY number of pixels per tile 1 anti-aliasing scheme 1 (none) or 4 (smoothed) 0 0 0 black background (etc...)Pay particular attention to the fact (yes, it's confusing) that if you use anti-aliasing schemes 2 or 3 then the eventual number of pixels is not simply the product NTX*NPX,NTY*NPY. This is explained in the render manual.
plot noframe area 0. 0. 900. 600. ; background black ;
molscript -r < picture.mol | render | convert avs:- picture.ppm
molscript < picture_labels.mol >
gs -sDEVICE=ppm -sOutputFile=labels.ppm -g900x600 labels.psAt this point you have two images:
picture.ppm 900x600 Raster3D image from original Molscript file labels.ppm 900x600 image containing only the labels
combine -compose atop labels.ppm picture.ppm pic+labels.ppm
convert pic+labels.ppm beautiful.tiffAs you see, this is a rather lengthy procedure. Furthermore, the label positioning will be slightly off compared to the pure PostScript version because Raster3D and Molscript treat perspective differently. As I say, I prefer to just type in the labels interactively so that I can see where they are going.