Example 1
Illustrates the use of material definitions to alter object properties,
and file indirection via the search path defined in environmental
variable R3D_LIB.

Example 2
A figure composed using the rods and balls
utility programs.

Examples 3, 4 and 5
Worked examples of converting and combining Molscript and GRASP output
files into a single Raster3D scene.

Example 6
Illustrates the use of command line options to render
(new in version 2.5),
including the use of an alpha channel to get a transparent background.
This figure was generated using the command below.

Example 7
A labeled figure produced by the label3d script.
The example script actually produces a
stereo pair that shows labels
positioned in three dimensions.

Example 9
A figure composed using the rastep utility program
for handling thermal ellipsoids.
render -size 162x192 -alpha -tiff r3d_example6.tiff < example6.r3d

Example 8
A stereo pair made by the stereo3d script.