Most recent change: 29-Sep-2020 The file Raster3D_3.0-7.tar.gz contains the full source distribution for version 3.0 of Raster3D. See CHANGELOG for a history of changes to the package. Basically nothing has changed since verison 3.0-3 (2014) except for minor tweaks to accommodate newer Fortran versions. Note: The programs from Raster3D are included in the CCP4 crystallography suite. You might find it easier to use that pre-built version. - In a nutshell, the installation procedure is: 1) Review the contents of Makefile.template 2) make help (prints a list of OS names) 3) make OS (where OS is your operating system name) 4) make all (builds the programs) 5) make install (copies files to system directories) 6) modify user login environment to include R3D_LIB e.g. setenv R3D_LIB /usr/local/share/Raster3D/materials 7) (optional) modify ImageMagick delegates file so that ImageMagick recognizes *.r3d files by default. On my systems this file is in /etc/ImageMagick-6/config/delegates.xml Add the following line - Changes in Version 3.0 + new code in rastep to support Skittles validation (introduced in 2.9) + dynamic array allocation + png/jpeg output using libgd + labels handled by libgd If you run into installation problems, please let me know, particularly if you can also tell me what you did to fix it! For optimal use of Raster3D you should also obtain - John Cristy's ImageMagick package for image manipulation and viewing (source distribution available from - Version 2.0 or greater of Per Kraulis's program Molscript To build support for direct output of TIFF files - Some version of a TIFF library License ------- Raster3D Version 3 is distributed under the terms of the Artistic License, Version 2.0. A copy of the license is included with the source code. Ethan A Merritt