Toxin project publications
- TK Sixma, KH Kalk, BAM van Zanten, Z Dauter, J Kingma, B Witholt, & WGJ Hol (1993):
Refined structure of Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin,
a close relative of cholera toxin.
J Molec Biol 230, 890-918.
Publications 1994
- EA Merritt, S Sarfaty, F van den Akker, C L'hoir, JA Martial, & WGJ Hol (1994a):
Crystal structure of cholera toxin B-pentamer bound to receptor GM1
Protein Sci 3, 166-175.
- EA Merritt, TK Sixma, KH Kalk, BAM van Zanten, & WGJ Hol (1994b):
Galactose binding site in E. coli heat-labile enterotoxin (LT) and
cholera toxin (CT).
Molec Microbiol 13, 745-753.
- EA Merritt, Pronk, SE, TK Sixma, KH Kalk, BAM van Zanten, & WGJ Hol (1994c):
Structure of partially-activated E. coli heat-labile enterotoxin (LT)
at 2.6Å resolution.
FEBS Lett 337, 88-92.
- M Pizza, M Domenighini, W Hol, V Giannelli, MR Fontana, MM Giuliani,
C Magagnoli, S Peppoloni, R Manetti, & R Rappuoli (1994d):
Probing the structure-activity relationship of Escherichia coli LT-A by
site-directed mutagenesis.
Molec Microbiol 14, 51-60.
Publications 1995
- WGJ Hol, TK Sixma, & EA Merritt (1995a):
Structure and function of E. coli heat labile enterotoxin and cholera toxin B-pentamer.
In Bacterial Toxins and Virulence Factors in Disease,
edited by Moss, Vaughan, Iglewski, & Tu. New York: M. Dekker.
- EA Merritt, S Sarfaty, M Pizza, S Domenighini, R Rappuoli, & WGJ Hol(1995b):
Mutation of a buried residue causes loss of activity but no conformational
change in the heat-labile enterotoxin of Escherichia coli.
Nature Structure Biology, 2, 269-272.
- EA Merritt & WGJ Hol(1995c):
AB5 Bacterial Toxins.
Current Opinion in Structural Biology 5, 165-171.
- M Shoham, T Scherf, J Anglister, M Levitt, EA Merritt, & WGJ Hol (1995d):
Structural Diversity in a Conserved Cholera Toxin Epitope Involved in
Ganglioside Binding.
Protein Science 4, 841-848.
- EA Merritt, S Sarfaty, T Chang, LM Palmer, MG Jobling, RK Holmes, & WGJ Hol (1995e):
Surprising leads for a cholera toxin receptor binding antagonist:
Crystallographic studies of CTB mutants.
Structure, 3: 561-570.
- F van den Akker, EA Merritt, MG Pizza, M Domenighini, R Rappuoli, & WGJ Hol (1995f):
The Arg7Lys mutant of heat-labile enterotoxin exhibits great flexibility
of active site loop 47-56 of the A subunit.
Biochemistry 34, 10996-11004.
Publications 1996
- F van den Akker, E Steensma, & WGJ Hol (1996a).
Tumor marker disaccharide D-Gal-ß1,3-GalNAc complexed to heat-labile
enterotoxin from Escherichia coli.
Protein Science 5, 1184-1188.
- IK Feil, R Reddy, L de Haan, EA Merritt, F van den Akker, DR Storm,
& WGJ Hol (1996b).
Protein engineering studies of A chain loop 47 to 56 of
Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin point to a a prominent
role of this loop for cytotoxicity.
Molec Microbiol 20, 823-832.
- F van den Akker, S Sarfaty, EM Twiddy, TD Connell, RK Holmes, & WGJ Hol (1996c).
Crystal structure of a new heat-labile enterotoxin, LT-IIb
Structure 4, 665-678.
- EA Merritt, F van den Akker, & WGJ Hol (1996d).
E.coli heat labile enterotoxin and cholera toxin B-pentamer
- crystallographic studies of biological activity.
In Protein Toxin Structure (ed: M.W. Parker) R.G. Landes 1996.
Company, pp 147-172
Publications 1997
- EA Merritt, S Sarfaty, MG Jobling, T-T Chang, RK Holmes, TR Hirst, & WGJ Hol (1997a).
Structural studies of receptor binding by cholera toxin mutants.
Protein Science 6, 1516-1528.
- F van den Akker, IK Feil, C Roach, AA Platas, EA Merritt, & WGJ Hol (1997b).
Crystal structure of a heat-labile enterotoxin from Escherichia coli
with increased thermostability introduced by an engineered disulfide bond in
the A subunit.
Protein Science 6, 2644-2649
- F van den Akker, M Pizza, R Rappuoli, & WGJ Hol (1997c).
Crystal structure of a non-toxic mutant of heat-labile enterotoxin,
which is a potent mucosal adjuvant.
Protein Science 6, 2650-2654
- EA Merritt, S Sarfaty, IK Feil, & WGJ Hol (1997d).
Structural foundation for the design of receptor-binding antagonists targeting
E. coli heat-labile enterotoxin.
Structure 5, 1485-1499.
Publications 1998
- L de Haan, WR Verweij, IK Feil, M Holtrop, WGJ Hol, E Agsteribbe, & J Wilschut (1998a).
Role of GM1 binding in the mucosal immunogenicity and adjuvant activity of the
Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin and its B subunit.
Immunology 94, 424-430.
- L de Haan, IK Feil, WR Verweij, W Holtrop, WGJ Hol, E Agsteribbe, & J Wilschut (1998b).
Mutational analysis of the role of ADP-ribosylation activity and GM1-binding
activity in the adjuvant properties of the Escherichia coli
heat-labile enterotoxin towards intranasally administered keyhole limpet hemocyanin.
Eur. J. Immunol. 28, 1243-1250.
- L de Haan, IK Feil, WR Verweij, W Holtrop, WGJ Hol, E Agsteribbe, & J Wilschut (1998c).
Non-toxic variants of the Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin as
mucosal immunogens and adjuvants.
S. T. P. Pharma Sciences 8, 75-80.A
- EA Merritt, P Kuhn, S Sarfaty, JL Erbe, RK Holmes, & WGJ Hol (1998d).
The 1.25Å resolution refinement of the cholera toxin B-pentamer:
evidence of peptide backbone strain at the receptor-binding site.
J Molec Biol 282, 1043-1059.
- IK Feil, AA Platas, F van den Akker, R Reddy, EA Merritt, DR Storm, & WGJ Hol (1998e).
Stepwise transplantation of an active site loop between heat-labile enterotoxins
LT-II and LT-I and characterization of the obtained hybrid toxins.
Protein Engineering 11, 1103-1109.
Publications 1999
- BT Hovey, CLMJ Verlinde, EA Merritt, & WGJ Hol (1999a).
Structure-based discovery of a pore-binding ligand: towards assembly
inhibitors for cholera and related AB5 toxins.
J Molec Biol 285, 1169-1178.
- WE Minke, DJ Diller, WG Hol, & CL Verlinde (1999b).
The role of waters in docking strategies with incremental
flexibility for carbohydrate derivatives: heat-labile enterotoxin,
a multivalent test case.
J Med Chem 42, 1778-88.
- WE Minke, C Roach, WG Hol, & CL Verlinde (1999c).
Structure-based exploration of the ganglioside GM1 binding sites
of Escherichia coli heat-labile enterotoxin and cholera toxin for
the discovery of receptor antagonists.
Biochemistry 38, 5684-92.
- WE Minke, F Hong, CL Verlinde, WG Hol, & E Fan (1999d).
Using a galactose library for exploration of a novel hydrophobic
pocket in the receptor binding site of the Escherichia coli
heat-labile enterotoxin.
J Biol Chem 274, 33469-73.
Publications 2000
- E Fan, Z Zhang, WE Minke, Z Hou, CLMJ Verlinde, & WGJ Hol (2000a).
High-affinity pentavalent ligands of Escherichia coli
heat-labile enterotoxin by modular structure-based design.
J Am Chem Soc 122, 2663-2664.
- E Fan, EA Merritt, CLMJ Verlinde, & WGJ Hol (2000b).
AB5 toxins: structures and inhibitor design.
Current Opinion in Structural Biology 10, 680-686.
- WE Minke, J Pickens, EA Merritt, E Fan, CLMJ Verlinde, & WGJ Hol (2000c).
Structure of m-carboxyphenyl-
D-galactopyranoside complexed to heat-labile enterotoxin at 1.3 Å
resolution: surprising variations in ligand-binding modes.
Acta Cryst. D56, 795-804
- F van den Akker, E Merritt, & WGJ Hol (2000d).
Structure and function of cholera toxin and related enterotoxins.
in Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, Vol 145, pp 109-131.
Springer-Verlag GmbH, Berlin, Germany.
Publications 2001
- E Fan, EA Merritt, Z Zhang, JC Pickens, C Roach, M Ahn, & WGJ Hol (2001a).
Exploration of the GM1 receptor-binding site of heat-labile enterotoxin
and cholera toxin by phenyl-ring-containing galactose derivatives.
Acta Cryst. D57, 201-212.
- AT Aman, S Fraser, EA Merritt, C Rodigherio, M Kenny, M Ahn, WGJ Hol, NA Williams, WI Lencer, & TR Hirst (2001b).
A mutant cholera toxin B subunit that binds GM1-ganglioside but lacks
immunomodulatory or toxic activity.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 98, 8536-8541.
Publications 2002
- E Fan & EA Merritt (2002).
Combating infectious diseases through multivalent design.
Curr Drug Targets Infect Disord. 2, 161-167
- JC Pickens, EA Merritt, M Ahn, CLMJ Verlinde, WGJ Hol, & E Fan (2002).
Anchor-based design of improved cholera toxin and E coli heat-labile
enterotoxin receptor binding antagonists that display multiple binding modes
Chemistry & Biology 9, 215-224.
- EA Merritt, Z Zhang, JC Pickens, M Ahn, WGJ Hol & E Fan (2002).
Characterization and Crystal Structure of a High-Affinity Pentavalent
Receptor-Binding Inhibitor for Cholera Toxin and E. coli Heat-Labile Enterotoxin
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124, 8818-8824.
- Z Zhang, EA Merritt, M Ahn, C Roach, Z Hou, CLMJ Verlinde, WGJ Hol & E Fan (2002).
Solution and crystallographic studies of branched multivalent ligands that inhibit the receptor-binding of cholera toxin
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 124, 12991-12998.
Publications 2004
- E Fan, CJ O'Neal, DD Mitchell, MA Robien, Z Zhang, JC Pickens, XJ Tan, K Korotkov, C Roach, B Krumm, CL Verlinde, EA Merritt, & WG Hol (2004).
Structural biology and structure-based inhibitor design of cholera toxin and heat-labile enterotoxin
Int J Med Microbiol. 294, 217-23.
- Z Zhang, J Liu, CL Verlinde, WG Hol, & E Fan (2004).
Large cyclic peptides as cores of multivalent ligands: application to inhibitors of receptor binding by cholera toxin.
J Org Chem. 29, 7737-40.
- JC Pickens, DD Mitchell, J Liu, X Tan, Z Zhang, CL Verlinde, WG Hol, & E Fan (2004).
Nonspanning bivalent ligands as improved surface receptor binding inhibitors of the cholera toxin B pentamer.
Chem Biol. 11, 1205-1215.
- CJ O'Neal, EI Amaya, MG Jobling, RK Holmes, & WG Hol (2004).
Crystal structures of an intrinsically active cholera toxin mutant yield insight into the toxin activation mechanism.
Biochemistry 43, 3772-3782.
- DD Mitchell, JC Pickens, K Korotkov, E Fan, & WG Hol (2004).
3,5-Substituted phenyl galactosides as leads in designing effective cholera toxin antagonists; synthesis and crystallographic studies.
Bioorg Med Chem. 12, 907-920.
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