Protein Anisotropic Refinement Validation and Analysis Tool

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Please send problems or suggestions to Last changed: 21-Sep-2012

PARVATI is a validation/analysis tool for macromolecular structure models that include anisotropic displacement parameters (ADPs). This could be a protein refined at atomic or near-atomic resolution with individual ADPs, or any model that include a TLS description of anisotropy. The PARVATI server accepts a PDB file containing ANISOU records or TLS records. It performs an analysis of the distribution of anisotropy among protein, solvent, and any other atoms described in the PDB file. No permanent copy of the input file is kept. The graphs and tabular data produced by the program are kept on the server for up to 2 hours, however, so that you can download copies of them separate from the output web page.

Survey of anisotropy in
PDB structures

Sample output Help on options
Applying restraints to change
the distribution of anisotropy
References Raster3D and
rastep programs

Ethan A Merritt ©1998-2012 / / Biomolecular Structure Center at UW