CrystaLinks - Structure/Sequence Searches

Protein Data Bank        General Tools
Molecules'R'Us PDB acces
Peter FitzGerald's user-friendly search and retrieval from PDB database
NCSA Biology Workbench
PDB at Brookhaven
(being replaced by RCSB)
NCBI GenBankEntrez Browser
RCSB Genome Database
SDSC MOOSE interface to PDB data Sanger Center
  NCBI human genome map-site
Sequence Databases Secondary Structure
Protein Information Resource
GDB Genome Data Base CATH
Christine Orengo's scheme for identifying and classifying protein fold
Protein Extraction, Description, and ANalysis Tool
SCOP Collection + [US mirror site]
(Structural Classification of Proteins)
OWL server sequence searches PredictProtein
EMBL automatic service for predicting aspects of protein structure
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center tools for verifying protein sequence homology
secondary structure prediction
using a logistic discriminant function (NIH Laboratory of Structural Biology)
Gail Hutchinson's tools for analysing protein structural motifs
NDB (Nucleic Acid Database) DALI
Protein comparison by alignment of distance matrices (Holm & Sander, 1993)
ProClass Database
organized by family relationships (ProSite/PIR)
PROSPECT threading-based protein structure prediction system
Interpro combined search of sequence and motif databases
OCA browser-database for structure/function
EC Enzyme database ExPASy Molecular Biology Server
PUMA database
of metabolic pathways cross-referenced by phylogeny, sequence, and function
CCDC (Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre)
This contains information relating to the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) and associated software
imb Image Library
VRML and other images of macromolecular structures

Ethan A Merritt / / Biomolecular Structure Center at UW